Thursday, 6 February 2014

How to Wear a Bodystocking with Style and Sophistication

    With Christmas just passing and Valentine’s Day on the horizon many ladies will be receiving some beautiful gifts, some they will be delighted with and of course occasionally one of the gifts may seem to be completely inappropriate.  Generally the gifts that can cause the most controversy are lingerie because the gift giver’s perception of the recipient is often reflected in the type of garment they give.  If the lingerie choice is successful then everybody is delighted and happy, however if the choice is wide off the mark by being too big, too small or even too raunchy the day may not be as romantic as intended.   
Unwanted Present
    Imagine receiving a beautifully wrapped parcel and feeling excited about its contents only to find that you have been given a fish net bodystocking as a present.  Apart from feeling very disappointed and in some cases offended you will be wondering what on earth you are going to do with this flimsy collection of holes delicately sewn together in a fish net pattern.  Instead of feeling angry and disappointed you should take up the opportunity to spice up your outfits subtly and secretly in a way only your partner will know.
Its Underwear not Outerwear
    Please don’t fall into the trap in to believing that a bodystocking has to be worn so that everyone can see it – that is a style that is only reserved for erotic dancers.  Instead consider wearing your bodystocking over your prettiest lingerie under a blouse. Open the top button allowing a glimpse of sheer black underneath, you may feel rather excited knowing that only you and your partner know what you are wearing.
Wear it as a Camisole
    Once you have overcome your initial shock about receiving your bodystocking you may actually find that you wear it more than you ever imagined.  Wearing it like a camisole means that you can wear it for many occasions both formal and informal – it is the type of clothes that you wear it under that count.  As the weather gets warmer you could wear it under a crisp white shirt and well fitting jeans, no one would imagine that the beautiful camisole underneath was in fact a bodystocking.
Wear it under a Dress
    If you are going to a ball or have been invited to another dressy occasion a bodystocking would actually be a good undergarment because it would cover the top part of your body entirely and allow the dress to flow freely and delicately.
Use your Imagination

    When receiving a gift that you don’t like immediately, try thinking outside the box a little and use your imagination to consider different ways in which you can wear it in a way that suits you and makes you feel special.


  1. It’s nice sharing! Where to buy the sexy bodystockings? The answer is at store

  2. Sexy bodystocking Lingerie Store Miya and Very Nice Products
